Educational qualification:
The candidates should possess a degree in Master’s of Engineering (M.E) or Master’s of Technology (M.Tech) from a recognised university or institute.
Selection procedure:
The candidates will be selected on the basis of academic record, written test or interview.
Application fee:
An application fee of Rs 1,500 and Rs 800 needs to be paid the general candidates and SC/ST/PH candidates, respectively for the registration process.
How to apply:
The interested candidates can apply online, the link for the same is The candidates must upload scanned copy of the GATE score card, along with the online application, failing which their candidature may be rejected.
Important dates:
Last date for receiving online application form: December 25
Announcement of short listing of candidates: December 30
Date of written test or interview: January 2, 2016 to January 3, 2016